Parkinson Movement

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Healthy Ways to Manage Parkinson’s in 15 Minutes a Day

Categories: Online Course
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What Will You Learn?

  • You have Parkinson's. Life as you know it is changing. Many emotions of all varieties are present. Allow me to empower you to take control of your life and help you manage it. Get ready to be energized while enjoying the process.

Course Content

Module 1 – How to make exercise a fun habit
The importance of daily movement

  • Making Exercise a Habit

Module 2 – Myofacial release
The myofacia is the fascia that covers the muscles and helps to keep the muscle groups together. Fascia, also known as connective tissue, is the three-dimensional matrix that acts as a protective shield and supports the muscles. Fascia also intertwines around the internal organs as a protector. It is a fluid-filled network that extends as a web throughout the entire body. Myofacial release therapy is useful for managing skeletal muscle immobility and aiding in the relief of pain by relaxing contracted muscles, improve circulation and stimulate the stretch reflex in muscles.

Module 3 – Tai Chi Movement for Better Balance
Tai Chi is a Chinese Martial Art practice for defense training, possible health benefits and meditation.

Module 4 – Medical and Legal Disclaimer

Module 5 – About the Guest Presenters
The importance of daily movement

Module 6 – Ageless Grace
Timeless fitness for the body and the brain. It's a brain fitness program using the science of neuroplasticity, reconnecting the neurons of the brain to help the body move more efficiently.


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